Paweł Szymański


Paweł Szymański

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Double mobile sales in a Drupal Commerce store

At Droptica, we designed and implemented a new design of an online store for mobile devices for one of the oldest publishers in Poland. We used Drupal 7 Commerce and did some search engine optimisation. The results? Increased sales! Publishing house Three years ago we started cooperating with Wydawnictwo WAM Publishing House, one of the oldest Polish Catholic publishers, providing them with our Drupal development services.

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Drupal after making a jump from a custom CMS

Sometimes I find questions like the following one on Internet forums: “I want to build a website. Should I go with a standard CMS (such as Drupal), or develop a proprietary CMS?” I've been working with a large, custom CMS that was developed for quite a while, as well as in Drupal and I wanted to share my insights. Reinventing the wheel The first thing I noticed was the difference in the amount of time and effort spent on rewriting standard solutions.

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