Drupal 7 to 11 migration costs

Curious about Drupal 7 to 11 migration costs? Collect all the info for estimation in 5 minutes

Migrating from Drupal 7 to the latest version, like Drupal 11, might seem like a big challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. One of the most common obstacles is figuring out how much it will cost. You want to know the price, but you don’t want to give full access to your site just to get an estimate. The good news? You can collect all the necessary information for an accurate project estimate in just 5 minutes. 

The problem: Estimating Drupal 7 to 11 migration costs 

When you're planning a migration from Drupal 7 to Drupal 11, understanding the cost is essential. Many companies ask for full access to your site to make this estimate, but understandably, you may be hesitant to provide that to multiple companies. Without knowing what’s involved, it can feel overwhelming to start the process. 

The solution: Collect info for an estimate in 5 minutes 

To make things easier, we at Droptica have developed a simple tool that allows you to gather all the necessary data without having to give full access to your site. In just 5 minutes, you can generate a file with all the important details needed for a migration estimate. This file can then be sent to any Drupal development company, allowing them to provide an accurate cost estimate based on your website’s setup.

How to use the migration tool: Step-by-step

Here’s how you can quickly gather the necessary data for a migration estimate using our tool:

  1. Log in to your Drupal 7 site as an administrator.
  2. Ensure the PHP Filter module is enabled. You can check this by visiting /admin/modules. You'll need to have the right permissions to see this page.
  3. Navigate to /node/add/page. If you don’t have a page content type, you can create a new content type that allows PHP input.
  4. Change the "Text format" of the body field to "PHP Code."
  5. Paste the contents from the following link into the body field: snippet.php.
  6. Save the node. Once saved, a text file will automatically download to your computer. This file contains all the necessary analysis of your Drupal 7 website.
  7. Send the text file to the development company of your choice for an estimate. With this file, they can give you a preliminary estimate based on your website's structure and setup.

This method doesn't actually migrate your website, but it gathers all the data the development team needs to provide a reliable estimate for your migration.

Alternative: Using DDEV for local sites

If you have your Drupal 7 site running locally with DDEV, you can also collect the necessary information without using your live site. Just run the following command:

Copy code

ddev drush php-eval 'eval("?>" . file_get_contents("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/droptica/drupal_7_migration_to_latest/refs/heads/main/droptica-drupal-7-audit.php"));'

This will execute the same script and allow you to collect the data for estimation.

Using the Devel module

If you have the Devel module enabled on your Drupal 7 site, you can also run the script by navigating to /devel/phpand pasting the contents of snippet.php. This is another easy way to gather the necessary information for your migration estimate. In this case remember to remove PHP opening tag “<?php”

Conclusion: Get an estimate without sharing full access

Gathering data for your Drupal 7 to 11 migration doesn't have to be complicated. With our tool, you can quickly collect all the essential information in just 5 minutes, allowing any Drupal development company to provide a preliminary estimate. While this initial estimation will give you a good idea of the cost range, most migrations will require a second iteration, including more in-depth analysis. At this stage, you may need to provide a full copy of your site for a more detailed evaluation.

However, after this first round of estimates, you can easily shortlist companies based on their cost range, saving time and avoiding the need to grant full access upfront.

If you’re looking for an estimate from Droptica, simply send us the file generated by the tool. We've successfully handled numerous Drupal 7 migrations and have additional tools that speed up the process, ensuring your migration to Drupal 11 is efficient and cost-effective.

Read more about our Drupal 7 migration services https://www.droptica.com/services/drupal-7-migration/
