Droptica in the 15 best Drupal companies in the World!
Clutch (a portal ranking development companies) named us as the global leader among companies working with Drupal. This is a great success. We are among the best companies working with Drupal worldwide. The results of our work are becoming increasingly more visible.
Since the beginning, Droptica aimed providing the best drupal services. Today, we spend majority of our time coding for the Drupal framework; however, we also provide other services – hosting, coding Symfony applications and so on. All this is resulting in growing recognition on the market.
We intend to further improve our services to get even higher in the Clutch ranking. By improving, we mean expanding our knowledge, improving the process of writing code (code review, testing automation), and streamlining processes during software development (servers, performance and security tests, local environment). All this will result in even better quality for our clients.
One of the many examples of streamlining the processes is docker-console - an application written and maintained by us (available from GitHub at https://github.com/droptica/docker-console). It makes developers’ work on complex projects significantly easier by allowing to quickly rebuild and instantiate development docker based environments. The project is open source and will remain free for everyone to use.
Apart from docker-console, we work on several other open source projects – you can find them at http://github.com/droptica/ and https://www.drupal.org/droptica. We also organise DrupalCamp Wrocław conference, as well as free DrupalDay training sessions.
We offer our services mostly to international clients.
Initially, majority of our clients came from Poland. We then started to gradually expand internationally and started collaborating with clients from abroad. We were driven mainly by out search of bigger, more complex and more interesting projects. Currently, we create complex Drupal services and applications for the most demanding clients. This results in higher satisfaction of our team but also pushes us even further in to the high end of software quality and robust processes.
Focusing on international sales had yet another result – in 2016 the revenues from international sales in Droptica amounted to 96% of all sales.
We are now a team of 20 people. We have three offices in various parts of Poland, which enables us to hire experts from many regions of the country.
Today, we can proudly say that we are a company with truly international business Also we are not just one of the hundreds or thousands of Drupal companies from all over the world - we are top of the line. Leaders in the market. The work and efforts of our team are appreciated by our clients what resulted in our high position in the ranking.
Today we’re among the top 15 Drupal companies from all over the world, and we have 20 people in our team. Also we are not going to stop there. We will grow and improve to bring our customers an even better service.