Droptica Invests in Open Source
Droptica supports Open Source! The Droopler distribution, modules for Drupal, DrupalCamp Poland, DrupalDay – that is how we develop Open Source. See what our contribution to the development of open-source software looks like in detail.
Why do we do this
We believe that working together on open software means benefits not only for Drupal developers but also for the client.
Thanks to the community of enthusiasts that has been created around many Open Source projects, we can now use thousands of available open-source applications. Most of these applications are available free of charge.
We know how important the customer cost optimisation is, and the contribution to Open Source allows us to obtain better and better software at lower implementation costs.
We organise events
The whole Droptica team is involved in DrupalDay and DrupalCamp, and from 2019 – Unconference.
DrupalCamp Poland is a two-day conference that gathers over 100 people interested in the Drupal system every year. The Droptica staff has been co-organising these events for over nine years. We always make sure that the conference programme is designed so that everyone can find something for themselves – both the people taking their first steps with Drupal, as well as the programmers with many years of experience. We want to increase the commitment to the use and develop open-source solutions.
DrupalDay is one day of free lectures for people who want to learn about Drupal. Droptica specialists share their technical knowledge in theory and practice with other participants. The lectures are held in various cities in Poland. This is a continuation of the "Drupal goes to college" campaign.
Unconference is a more casual meeting than a conference. Before the event, we do not organise any agenda, we do not know the speakers. All we know is where, when and at what hour the participants will be. In 2019, the event attracted considerable interest, which is why in 2020 we will definitely organise it again. It was the casual atmosphere and the limited group of participants that caused the unconference to gain supporters. Exchange of experience, specialist knowledge, as well as the opportunity to make many interesting new acquaintances.
We sponsor conferences and conduct lectures
For many years the DropticaTeam has been participating in various conferences, including
Sesja Linuksowa 10,11,12,16, DrupalCamp Schwerin 2017, PHPCon Szczyrk 2019, DrupalCamp London 2018, 2019, 2020.
This year we appeared as a Gold Sponsor at DruplaCamp London 2020.
We help companies build corporate websites at a low cost
Currently, every growing company would like to have a nice and intuitive website that can be easily managed. We have noticed a problem arising here – and it is the budget. Not every company can organise a team of developers and build a website from scratch.
That is why we have built the Droopler system. Droopler is a Drupal distribution with many features – to list a few
- it has a modern design,
- it allows simple content change for every user,
- it is available for free as Open Source software.
The Droopler distribution, thanks to its flexibility, can be adapted to your needs. You can build a small or large corporate website.
Droptica has been developing the system since December 2017. The system is being constantly improved and used by hundreds of websites around the world. You can always find the latest version of Droopler on the project's website https://www.drupal.org/project/droopler.
We create free modules for Drupal
Droptica also supports Drupal's development by creating modules. Listed below are the most popular modules. They are being used by thousands of websites around the world.
The module allows multiple uses of the same types of paragraphs with small visual changes (display mode), which eliminates the need to create a new paragraph every time only a small change is needed.
Popup message
Once per session, the module displays a specific pop-up message to the user. It can be used, e.g. as a mandatory notification about cookies or a message with a call to action for a client of your website.
Slack Logger
The module examines the website's status and sends notifications to the channel assigned to the project in the Slack application, allowing you to monitor threats to the website on an ongoing basis. It can be configured so that the notifications are sent based on the selected threat level.
The module automatically completes the node title based on the HTML tags <H1> to <H4> found in the text, taking their hierarchy into account.
The module allows you to temporarily block Google Analytics on the website. This allows you to thoroughly test the operation of your website without worrying that the traffic generated by the tests will affect the GA statistics. After completing the tests, you can safely restore the GA operation without the need for a tedious reconfiguration.
Final thoughts
In the coming months, we will focus mainly on developing the Droopler distribution. We have a very large list of new features to introduce. We want the system to become an even more convenient tool for marketers and become even easier to implement by developers.
We will also constantly organise events promoting Open Source. You can find the latest information on this subject by following our social media profiles or subscribing to our newsletter.