
How to create inquiry form in Drupal? Instructions

Contact forms are an integral part of any modern website, especially for businesses that want customers to contact them quickly or send detailed questions. In this article, I’ll show you step-by-step how to prepare a business-specific inquiry form in Drupal. I invite you to read the article or watch a video of the “Nowoczesny Drupal” series.

What do you need to build an inquiry form?

To build a contact form in Drupal, you’ll use the Webform module. This advanced tool allows you to create various types of forms with rich configuration options.

It’s worth mentioning that Webform provides:

  • support for different types of fields (e.g., text, selection, attachments),
  • an extensive support system with instructional videos,
  • integration with additional modules that extend its functionality.

Creating an inquiry form

To proceed with installing and creating the inquiry form, you need a ready-made Drupal environment. Then, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Install the Webform module

  1. Install the Webform module and activate all necessary submodules.
  2. After activating the module, a new subcategory - Forms - will appear in the Structure menu.
View of the "Forms" tab added to the Drupal admin panel when the Webform module is enabled.


This option enables you to manage forms, review submissions, and edit existing forms.

Step 2: Create a basic contact form

To create a basic form on a landing page or website:

  1. Go to the Forms section and select Add Webform.
  2. Give the form a name, such as "Basic Contact Form."
  3. Optionally add an administrative description and assign a category.
Creating a basic inquiry form for a website by using the Webform module in Drupal.


Step 3: Add fields in the inquiry form

In the Build tab, you can add more form elements. Example fields for a simple form are:

  • Name (one-line text field)
    • Limit the value to 1.
    • Adding description: "Enter your name."
Window for adding the "Name" field to the basic inquiry form in Drupal.


  • Email address (email field)
    • Mark as a required field.
A window with settings for the email address field in the Drupal inquiry form.


  • Message (multi-line text field).
A window with settings for the text area for the message in the inquiry form in Drupal.


After saving the form, you can test it by selecting View.

View of the added ready-made basic inquiry form on a sample website on Drupal.


Step 4: Create an advanced inquiry form

For a company with specific business characteristics, you can create a more sophisticated form with additional fields. I’ll create one, for example, for a company that sells energy performance certificates:

  • Address of the apartment/house (address field)
    • It includes fields for city, postal code, and province.
  • Apartment/home area (single-line text field).
  • Room height (single-line text field).
  • Type of heating (check box with a list of options, such as gas boiler, electric heater, other).
  • Apartment floor plan (file type field)
    • Maximum file size: 20 MB.
    • Supported extensions: PDF, JPG.
View of the elements of the form to which you can add graphic files in PDF and JPG format.


You can add all fields in the Build tab and drag them to the appropriate places for a logical form structure.

Step 5: Test the form and manage submissions

After configuring the inquiry form, you can:

  1. Test its operation in the View tab.
  2. Manage submissions in the Results tab, where options are available:
    • export data in CSV, JSON, and YAML formats,
    • delete notifications,
    • import data from CSV files.
View option to import data from CSV files into an inquiry form in Drupal.


Step 6: Configure the inquiry form settings

The Webform module allows extensive configuration of forms. In the Settings tab, you can:

  • specify the behavior of the form after submission (e.g., emailing, redirecting),
  • configure limits on the number of requests,
  • define user permissions to fill out forms.

You can read more about additional features and settings of the Webform module in the article about the multi-step form.

Drupal inquiry form - summary

Creating forms in Drupal using the Webform module is simple yet offers tremendous opportunities for personalization. From simple contact forms to job application forms to advanced inquiries, the possibilities are virtually endless.

Remember that a well-designed form is the key to effective communication with clients. If you need support in building it or embedding it on your website, get help from our experienced Drupal agency developers.
