The Silesian capital will once again resound with conversations about technology and innovation. Infoshare Katowice 2024 - an event full of inspiring panel discussions, workshops, and sessions - will take place at the International Congress Centre on November 26 and 27. We’ll be there as part of the Drupal.org.pl initiative, formed with three other Drupal companies. Visit our booth and participate in the program's interesting events, which we introduce in this article.
Infoshare 2024 - sessions, innovation and networking
Infoshare Katowice is a technology conference aimed at founders, innovators, architects, developers, IT managers, gamers, and game developers. Over the course of two intensive days, participants will have the opportunity to attend inspiring talks, panel discussions, and hands-on workshops, which will take place on several stages. The topics on the agenda are tailored to different levels of the audience.
The event also offers numerous networking activities. Conference participants have several initiatives at their disposal - including a Welcome Dinner (25.11), an opportunity to meet speakers and experts before the conference, or Speed Dating - 3-minute business meetings with representatives of other companies. During the event, you’ll also be able to use a matchmaking tool to arrange meetings and make valuable business contacts.
Drupal.org.pl initiative with a booth at Infoshare 2024
The open, communication-oriented nature of the entire event means that we couldn't miss this conference. We’ll be there as Drupal.org.pl - a joint initiative between Droptica, Direktpoint, Magnetic Point, and OsWorkshop. We want to promote Drupal as a versatile CMS and share our knowledge and experience. At our booth, we’ll show you how Drupal can support organizations in building modern websites and systems, as well as facilitate the daily work of professionals such as marketing teams, HR, or content editors.

We invite you to the exhibition part of the convention center to meet with us. However, we also encourage you to participate in sessions aimed at different audiences. In the following part of the article, we present the most interesting, in our opinion, points of the conference program.
Sessions for developers, DevOps, and architects
The conference offers developers, DevOps, and architects a rich selection of sessions. The agenda includes thematic tracks such as AI&Data, DevOps&Cloud, DevArchitecture, and Tests, allowing attendees to focus on areas that match their interests.
An example of an inspiring lecture is the presentation No-Code, Low-Code, czy AI-Code? Co tak naprawdę zagraża pracy programisty? Marcin Czarkowski and Przemek Smyrdek from Przeprogramowani will consider whether the development of technologies such as No-Code, Low-Code, and tools based on artificial intelligence (such as ChatGPT or Cursor) can affect the future of the programming profession. They will also touch on potential AI development scenarios and try to answer whether programmers will remain irreplaceable.
Another highlight worth noting is a presentation by Piotr Stawirej of Revolut entitled Testowanie nietestowalnego część II - wzorce, przypadki użycia i praktyki. In the session, the speaker will focus on the challenges of testing complicated code. As an experienced programmer, trainer, and mentor, the presenter will analyze specific cases and present solutions that simplify testing and application structure. The session will cover topics including testing problematic classes, multi-threaded applications, and strategies to ensure fault tolerance.
Next presentation may be of particular interest to architects - 7 lekcji z frontu wdrożeń AI: co najlepiej się sprawdza w korporacjach. Inga Apiecionek will share tips from her experience in successfully implementing AI solutions in large organizations. The speaker will discuss where to start the process, how to build the right team, and what challenges may arise along the way. The session will also provide attendees with practical tools to help effectively link the effectiveness of AI implementations to business needs.
However, Infoshare is not only about presentations. Attendees with a special type of ticket can also participate in a hands-on DevOps&Cloud workshop - Jak użyć observability? Szymon Warda from Protopia will show how to build effective dashboards, what to monitor, what to alert on, and much more. The workshop is aimed at intermediate to advanced users with metrics experience. The session will include a practical part.
Topics for founders, innovators, and IT leaders
Infoshare Katowice 2024 has also reserved a special place in its program for company founders, innovators, managers, and IT leaders. The organizers have prepared dedicated thematic tracks, such as BusinessGrowth, Inspiration, CaseStudy, Leadership, or People&Culture, which will help participants better understand the key challenges of management, business development, and team building.

The full conference agenda is available on the official Katowice Infoshare 2024 website
What is and what is not a business strategy? Szymon Negacz will answer this question in the presentation entitled Uzależnieni od taktyk? Budowa strategii w świecie świetnych pomysłów. The speaker from WiseGroup.pl will explain how often companies, in pursuit of quick results, choose ad hoc, tactical solutions, abandoning strategic thinking. The lecturer will present four key steps to build a solid foundation for sustainable, long-term growth of the organization. This is an inspiration for anyone who wants to give their business a sustainable direction and avoid chaos in operations.
Artificial intelligence matters are prominently on the agenda of Infoshare 2024, and one of the speeches in line with this trend is a presentation by Michal Sadowski (Brand24) titled 8 narzędzi AI, które wzmocnią Twój biznes. During this dynamic session, the speaker will present solutions that can help companies automate tasks, increase customer engagement, and optimize decision-making processes.
The conference program also includes English-language presentations. One of them is Dare to Challenge Norms: What Happens When Leadership Breaks Tradition. In their talk, speakers Anna Zarudzka (Boldare) and Mikko Virtanen (AgileDay) will juxtapose two perspectives - Finnish and Polish - to show how a radical approach to leadership can affect the business and people in an organization. They will talk about how giving more autonomy to employees can translate into more responsibility and better results, but also what challenges this approach brings.
Infoshare Katowice 2024 - summary
Infoshare Katowice 2024 is an event with an impressively broad agenda that caters to the needs of different audiences. Programmers, architects, DevOps specialists, founders, business leaders, gamers, and game developers will find interesting lectures and panels (a large part of the program is GameDev-related topics).

We, too, will be there as a Drupal.org.pl initiative, sharing our knowledge and experience at a booth in the exhibition area. If you’re interested in how Drupal can support your organization's development, be sure to visit us during the conference. See you in Katowice!