Case Studies
Check how we already helped our partners do better online

Drupal support for Exide Group
Support for the Drupal website included improvements like updating modules, removing legacy code, creating a proper development environment, and implementing a new web page design.

B2B Marketplace for Henry Schein
A specialized Drupal marketplace - Dentist to Dentist place - that connects online dental professionals with trusted pre-owned medical equipment sellers.

Drupal 7 to 10 migration for MSDW
MSDynamicsWorld is a digital content platform about the Microsoft Dynamics ecosystem. We redesigned their website and migrated it from Drupal 7 to 10, improving the user experience.

Digital content platform for EM360
A technology content platform on Drupal for users to share articles, podcasts, whitepapers, and more.

Drupal headless CMS for PZPN
An extensive headless CMS system that supplies data to several websites and internal systems of the Polish Football Association.

Drupal Website for Yuno Energy
A website on Drupal for our client - the electricity provider Yuno Energy - is enriched with a built-in multi-step registration form for customers to easily sign up for services.

Marketplace on Sylius
A multi-vendor marketplace on Sylius - a modern open source ecommerce system built on Symfony, a PHP framework.

Custom CMS for Zawsze Pomorze
Implementation of CMS for news publishing website using the Drupal distribution Thunder. The final solution includes publishing workflow, version control, and ad management features.

The brokerage house of Bank Ochrony Środowiska (Bank of Environmental Protection) is one of the brokerage houses present on the market the longest.
TableIn is a restaurant management system used by customers and clients around the world.
The Training Realm web application offers users the ability to log their workouts, create workout schedules and adjusts the difficulty of workout cycles to the user’s level.
The portal is the heart of the ESNcard system. It allows students to manage the base of discounts and promo codes used by international students throughout Europe.

Wydawnictwo WAM - the biggest Catholic publishing house in Poland
The WAM Publishing House website is a great demonstration of Drupal's suitability for large e-commerce systems.

Boplan is a manufacturing company from Belgium, but sells its products across the world. Droptica is responsible for maintenance of Boplan's main website which is build on drupal.

The Institute of Mathematics - website migration
The Institute of Mathematics at the University of Wroclaw is an academic department. We migrated their website from a custom CMS to Drupal and added some new features to make it intuitive.

Better Regulation - a super complex Drupal project
Super complex, long, dynamic and technically challenging projects? Yes we can!

Event management software for NATO
NATO constantly provides training, schooling and conferences. With this application written in the Drupal, management and registration became faster and easier. - SAAS on Drupal
Bloomwell offers legal documents tailored to it's clients needs. It's a great example of a service sold for a recurring fee. - high traffic Drupal
Drupal is the right tool to build big websites with a lot of active users. Don't just take our word it is. Check and see yourself.

Intranet on Drupal
Modern intranet system for a company employing over 1000 employees. Enhanced engagement of employees by adding a new functionality and refreshing the look of the website.