Dialogownia website


Modern intranet system with elements of social media

One of the main challenges was to integrate the new intranet with already existing applications and systems like Active Directory, phone book, and personnel management system.

  • Before development, we created mock-ups of most of the screens. Based on these, designs were created.
  • Data migration from the old intranet was a bit part of the process. We used the drupal migrate module to achieve the task. The client took the opportunity to clean and update data at the same time.
  • As the first step of development we designed all data structures.
  • We added many new helpful features equipping the intranet with social functions enhancing the engagement of the users.

Intranet build on Drupal.

Our aim was to enhance engagement of employees by adding new functionality and refreshing the look of the website.

At the start of the project, Dialog company was employing over 1000 employees scattered in various locations.
The company chose Drupal as a platform for the new intranet because they had already other sites based on it and were pleased with its scalability and flexibility.

A few of the features added by Droptica:

  • Idea factory

    A space for discussion on the company. Every employee can add ideas to improve the overall performance of the company. Others can comment and vote. Rankings show most active employees and most engaging ideas.

  • Polls

    Content editors can create polls and have a reporting showing results.

  • Customizable user profiles

    Users sign in with Active Directory his details are displayed automatically on his profile. Apart from that, every user is able to customize his profile to have better access to most often used functions. Section "my page" is customizable and certain sections can be chosen and replaced in more suiting order.

  • Limited access to the content

    The dedicated module was written by Droptica, to allow limiting access to certain content for people from chosen locations or depending on user position in the organisation.

  • Customizable user profile

    Since the Dialog company is very big and a lot happens there, every user is able to customize his profile to have better access to most often used functions. Section "my page" is customizable and certain sections can be chosen and replaced in more suiting order.

  • Favourite content

    Every article can be bookmarked. Users have easy access to their bookmarks.

Internale poland logo

The new intranet was a success as evidenced by high engagement of Dialog employees as well by a distinction in Internale Poland 2011 contest.

Need an intranet system? Let’s talk

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