Today's cloud hosting solutions are spectacular. AWS or even simpler providers like Digital Ocean or Linode offer a magnificent opportunity to create reliable, scaling solutions that cost a fraction of what they used to. You can set up secure hostings, services and development environments at a really affordable pricing point.

Droptica has vast experience in DevOps and AWS hosting
We build and maintain development and production environments with various cloud providers. Our DevOps specialist set up automated systems for server management and monitoring. We take care of infrastructure when you sleep.
We are great proponents of infrastructure as code. Scripting and automating all aspects of the infrastructure removes the possibility of human error and creates robust environments that scale and last.
Experience since 2008 in concrete examples

Maintenance and migration of existing systems to the AWS cloud
Do you have an AWS hosting environment which requires maintenance? Or perhaps you have a legacy infrastructure which has to be upgraded or migrated to the AWS cloud? We can help.
We have extensive experience in planning and executing migrations to the AWS cloud. Our consultants will evaluate your application and will propose the best path forward. We can plan and deliver the migration with minimal interruption to your business.
Droptica – Drupal projects in numbers
See the figures below to see what kind of systems we developed in Drupal to date. We are involved in the development of a number of large applications. The figures below – or larger ones – are hardly an insurmountable challenge for us. We are also happy to implement smaller-scale projects in which we can share our experience gathered by building more extensive systems.
Our extensive knowledge is confirmed not only by the projects and client reviews but also by the articles on our blog