

Would you like to talk to us in person? We would be happy to grab a coffee with you.

We participate in numerous events in Poland and abroad. When something important for the industry is happening, we are always there.

See you soon!

Find out events we attended and when you can meet us:

Viennań / 14-17 October 2025DrupalCon ViennaSoon
Warsaw / 07 June 2025DrupalCamp PolandSoon
Princeton / 13-15 March 2025DrupalCamp NJSoon
Cambridge / 01 March 2025DrupalCamp EnglandFinished
Florida / 21-23 February 2025Florida DrupalCampFinished
Warsaw  / 25-26 January 2025Global Contribution WeekendFinished
Katowice / 26-27 November 2024Infoshare Conference'24Finished
Berlin / 8-9 November 2024DrupalCamp Berlin 2024 "Drupal Recipes - Basic Info and Usage Examples"Finished
Online / 27 August 2024Webinar "The Future After Drupal 7Finished
Online / 10-11 July 2024Mautic Conference Global 2024Finished
Warsaw / 18 May 2024DrupalCamp PolandFinished
Zawiercie / 17-18 November 2023PHPCon 2023Finished
Lille / 17-20 October 2023DrupalCon Europe 2023Finished
Vienna / 19-22 July 2023Drupal Developer Days 2023Finished
Utrecht / 01 June 2023DrupalJam 2023Finished
Poznan / 27 May 2023PHPers Summit 2023Finished
Gdansk / 24-25 May 2023InfoshareFinished
Wroclaw / 13-14 May 2023DrupalCamp PolandFinished
Wroclaw / 14 December 2022PHPers Wroclaw #15Finished
Zawiercie / 28-30 October 2022PHPCon Poland 2022Finished
Torun / 10 October 2022PHPers Torun #4Finished
Online / 28 September 2022DevTalks #3 OnlineFinished
Prague / 20-23 September 2022DrupalCon Prague 2022Finished
Online / 28 July 2022DevTalks #2 OnlineFinished
Poznan / 25 June 2022PHPers Summit 2022Finished
Wroclaw / 28-29 May 2022DrupalCamp Poland 2022Finished
Online / 27th January 2022DrupalDay OnlineFinished
Online / 25th November 2021DrupalDay OnlineFinished
Online / 13-14th October 2021DrupalCamp Poland 2021Finished
Poznań / 2nd October 2021PHPers Summit 2021Finished
Online / 30th September 2021DrupalDay OnlineFinished
Online / 29th July 2021DrupalDay OnlineFinished
Online / 27th May 2021DrupalDay OnlineFinished
Online / 25th March 2021DrupalDay OnlineFinished
Online / 28th January 2021DrupalDay OnlineFinished
Online / 13th Oct - 15th Oct 2020DrupalCamp Poland 2020Finished
Online / 23th Sep - 30th Sep 2020Infoshare 2020Finished
Amsterdam / 28th Oct - 1st Nov 2019DrupalCon 2019Finished
Warszawa / 29th September 2019DrupalDay UnconferenceFinished
Poznań / 5th Sep - 7th Sep 2019PHPers Summit 2019Finished
Wrocław / 31th May - 2nd Jun 2019DrupalCamp Poland 2019Finished
Gdańsk / 13th April 2019DrupalDay GdańskFinished
Rzeszów / 16th March 2019DrupalDay RzeszówFinished
London / 1st - 3rd March 2019DrupalCamp LondonFinished
Wrocław / 9th February 2019DrupalDay WrocławFinished
Cologne / 13th September 2018DMEXCOFinished
Darmstadt / 10th - 14th Sep 2018Drupal EuropeFinished
Wrocław / 9th - 10th Jun 2018Drupalcamp Poland 2018Finished
London / 2nd - 4th Mar 2018Drupalcamp LondynFinished
Poznań / 20th January 2018DrupalDay PoznańFinished
Opole / 16th Decemeber 2017DrupalDay OpoleFinished
Katowice / 18th November 2017DrupalDay KatowiceFinished
Warszawa / 8th November 2017Targi EhandluFinished
Schwerin / 21 - 22nd Oct 2017DrupalCamp Schwerin 2017Finished
Wiedeń / 26 - 29th September 2017DrupalCon 2017Finished
Heidelberg / 15 - 16th July 2017Drupal Business and Community Days 2017Finished
Wrocław / 8th June 2017Startup Wrocław: EwolucjeFinished
Wrocław / 27 - 28th May 2017DrupalCamp WroclawFinished
Frankfurt-am-Main / 18 - 20th May 2017Drupal Business Days Frankfurt 2017Finished
Wrocław / 18th March 2017www.drupalday.plFinished


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