Drupal developers for ambitious projects
Are you looking for Drupal developers who will complete a large project?
Would you like to hire Drupal specialists? You can find them at Droptica!
Employing the right team is the key to a Drupal project's success
Drupal is a great system and is, therefore, being chosen for implementing very ambitious projects. However, in order to achieve success with Drupal and take full advantage of its capabilities, an extensive experience – both technological and design – is needed.
Better Regulation successfully utilises a Drupal Team from Droptica
Better Regulation hired a team of developers from to deliver their flagship service BetterRegulation.com. The team built and maintains the system for over 4 years now. Thanks processes and mechanisms introduced by Droptica, the team effectively continuously delivers new functionalities without a requirement for a lot of oversight from the client.
The team can scale up and down depending on requirements, whilst maintaining very high quality and an uninterrupted workflow.

Droptica offers:

Drupal and Open Source

Solid team and solid process


Communication and transparency

Drupal and Open Source
1. Certified Drupal
Droptica holds almost 40 Drupal Acquia Certified Developer certificates. Such a large number of certificates is one of the proofs of our high competence. Participating in training courses and expanding their knowledge is a normal part of our specialists' work. Thanks to this, we implement our projects faster and more efficiently.
2. Over 10 years of
experience with Drupal
We have much more experience with Drupal than most companies creating Drupal websites. Thanks to our knowledge, you will eliminate many problems over the course of projects' implementation.
3. 50+ Drupal developers
Such a large pool of specialists allows us to share the knowledge and create a competence hub not available almost anywhere else. Thanks to a large number of specialists, we can quickly increase and decrease the number of developers working in your team – thanks to this, you can effectively adapt to business requirements.
4. Experience in working with large international corporations
Implementation of projects for large and small clients looks different. At Droptica, we have experience in working with many types of companies and organisations. Among our clients were banks, international interactive agencies, corporations, start-ups but also with small and medium-sized companies. We know that every type of organisation requires a slightly different approach to running the project, and at Droptica we ensure such an approach.
5. Experience in large teams
Implementation of a project by a team of several to several dozen developers looks different, compared to the implementation of a project by just one developer. There are issues of communication, code sharing, code and solutions integrity, database synchronisation, automation of creating the environment locally, etc. Without these things, the team's work will not be successful. We have been successfully implementing multi-person projects at Droptica for many years. We have a very good workflow, which means that we can focus on providing new functionalities, not on solving teamwork problems concerning Drupal.
6. We maintain a Drupal distribution
The distribution we created is one of the 10 most popular Drupal 8 distributions. Releasing an official Drupal distribution testifies to the highest level of Drupal knowledge. Maintaining a distribution requires a deep understanding of Drupal and the direction it is heading. It also requires long-term planning, so that the software can be developed over many years.
7. We share our knowledge
London, Manchester, Heidelberg, Schwerin, Wrocław – these are the cities in which we were speakers at Drupal-related conferences. We share our knowledge very often. During DrupalCamp London 2018 we have conducted as many as 6 lectures!
8. We unite the Drupal
DrupalCamp Poland and DrupalDay are the events that we organise regularly since 2012. Thanks to our work, more and more people are starting to adopt Drupal. We are proud that thanks to our activities more and more people use Drupal!
9. Blog about Drupal
We have been sharing our experience regarding Drupal for many years at www.droptica.com/blog. Our blog is read by people from all over the world. Not only do we employ Drupal, but we want to use our experience to make others employ it.
10. E-Books about Drupal
We also publish e-books about Drupal. These constitute more extensive portions of knowledge than the blog entries. We strive to share our knowledge in all possible ways to attract more and more people to the Drupal community.

We devote a lot of attention to Drupal
We are focusing on Drupal. Thanks to being very close to this technology, we know what is happening and what is going to happen. Choose us as your Drupal team. We will deliver your project safely and predictably.

Solid team and solid process
In addition to providing you with the highest-class team of Drupal specialists, when you work with us you receive many elements that together create an effective process and support the team in the implementation of your projects.
1. Project management
The larger the team, the more coordination it needs. We can offer you project management from A to Z. Our experienced Project Managers have many years of experience in implementing web projects in various methodologies. They also know Drupal, so they can effectively manage the project while thoroughly understanding the issues being raised. In addition to project management, we also offer supervision over the management process. Our many years of experience in the SCRUM framework allows us to effectively implement and monitor the effectiveness of project management in this framework.
2. DevOps
We will offer you DevOps handling. Thanks to this, you will not have to employ a dedicated DevOps specialist.
We will create and maintain development and test environments.
We will create a workflow and we will implement Continuous Integration, thanks to which your project will be created based on the best standards.
3. Quality Assurance
You will receive the help of experienced testers who know and understand Drupal. By using our QA experience, you will be able to create very accurate processes and tests, so that errors will be detected very early and will not delay the project. Our QA team, thanks to their in-depth knowledge of Drupal, will be able to ensure high quality very efficiently.
After starting the project, its maintenance and development will be much cheaper and more predictable. Errors introduced to the production version will be eliminated.
4. UX/Design
The work of graphic designers is particularly necessary at the stage of building a website from scratch. Droptica also provides support concerning graphic works. Our experienced team will prepare mock-ups and graphics for your web application. Our graphic designers have experience in creating web applications, and the cooperate perfectly with the development team. They are aware of limitations and know how to effectively design and deliver graphics designs so that they are quickly implemented by developers.
5. Complementary technologies
We are experts on Drupal, but we also know other technologies. Sometimes applications need to employ modern React or Vue JavaScript frameworks. We have specialists on these technologies at Droptica. Thanks to their understanding of Drupal, they work very efficiently with Drupal teams.
In some cases, it is better to create the backend of a system or its part separately, using the Symfony or Laravel framework. Droptica can provide help in such cases also.
6. Drupal standards monitoring
Maintaining the coding order saves time in the long run. At Droptica we always create a solid code. We pay particular attention to the coding standards. In addition to paying attention to them, we offer processes and tools for monitoring the compliance of your software with the Drupal standards.
7. Supporting already existing applications
After completing the system building phase, we can still support the development of your application. We have a dedicated team for maintaining Drupal-based systems. We do not leave our clients on their own if they no longer need the entire team, but only some several dozen hours a month of support in this scope.
8. Documentation
A team of 3-6 developers can create a very large number of functionalities within a few months. Over time, it is becoming hard to remember how everything works in the system, what are the dependencies, how to use individual elements of the system. That is why we have a system for creating documentation in place at Droptica. Every client has access to the documentation being created. The client can also edit the documentation on their own or describe the features that are yet to be built.

Our teams are trained in the Continuous Integration methodologies. By working with us, you not only get the team and additional services, but also the tools to speed up the work of the entire team.
1. Automatic copies of test environments
For every development team, we create automatic mechanisms for creating test environments. Thanks to this you can very quickly verify the progress of works, and you have constant insight into the current progress of works. The team, on the other hand, will not have to waste time on manual configurations and implementations.
2. Automatic tests and test reports
Our experts will configure the environment and can create automatic tests that will verify on an ongoing basis whether the created software works correctly. You will receive test reports and access to automated test results before every implementation.
3. 1-click deployment
Deployment of new changes to a production server is a process consisting of many steps. Doing it manually is time-consuming, expensive and susceptible to human error. That is why at Droptica we create the automation of this process for every project.
Every deployment takes just 1 click. Automatic scripts take care of the entire process, including the testing and checking if everything went well. By working with us, you eliminate the errors that may occur during the implementations.

Constant communication with the team, thanks to the tools offered
1. Jira
It is a world-class system supporting management processes. Thanks to Jira, the client knows what is happening with their project at any given moment, and they can easily gain access to the findings or discussions even from many months ago.
2. Slack
Thanks to the Slack messenger you have close contact with the development team. You can discuss the requirements and progress on an ongoing basis.
3. Video calls
Sometimes a talk is not enough, so the development team often speaks with the client employing a video conferencing. Most often, these are part of Scrum daily stand-up meetings and take up to 15 minutes.
4. Face2face
We are happy to meet our clients "face to face". These meetings take place at one of our offices or at the client's office. Such meetings are particularly helpful in the first weeks of the project implementation. Our team has experience in conducting such meetings in a manner making the most of the time spent together.
Work with us side by side
The Droptica team is a team of reliable Polish specialists. Our developers work in one of our three offices in Poland: in Wrocław, Rzeszów and Toruń.
Thanks to the good location, we can easily travel to our clients. Every year we make many such trips. Equally often, clients visit our offices. Feel welcome to visit us! We can work side by side at our or your office!