
Discovery Workshop

Whether you're starting a new project or looking to improve an existing one (perhaps during a redesign process or when implementing new features), our Discovery Workshop is the ideal point to begin.

What is a discovery workshop?

A discovery workshop is a collaborative meeting between a software development company and a client to define the goals, requirements, and scope of a new project. The workshop typically covers the following topics:

  • understanding the client's business needs,
  • defining the problem the project will solve,
  • identifying the target audience,
  • determining the project's success criteria,
  • developing a project plan.

What are the benefits of a discovery workshop?

A well-run discovery session is perfect for working on existing projects, as well as for creating new products. Workshops can help you achieve several goals related to the project:

  • save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes,
  • get a better understanding of your business needs,
  • define the scope of the project more accurately,
  • build a stronger relationship with your development team,
  • increase the chances of project success.
The price for a discovery workshop depends on the complexity of the project under discussion.

How much does a discovery workshop cost?

The cost of a discovery workshop will depend on the complexity of the project. However, we offer a variety of pricing options to fit your budget.

The Droptica team includes consultants and experts with experience in organizing discovery workshops

Why should you choose Droptica for your discovery session?

Droptica is a leading software development company with over 10 years of experience. We have a team of expert consultants who can help you to:

  • understand your business needs,
  • define the problem that you're trying to solve,
  • identify your target audience,
  • develop a project plan that meets your budget and timeline.

Preparing for the discovery workshop - a guide for clients

In order for the discovery workshop to be as productive and insightful as possible, it's important for clients to come prepared. Here's how you can gear up for our collaborative session:

Clear objectives

Prepare a defined set of goals and outcomes you wish to achieve from the workshop. This provides direction and focus to our project discussions.

Stakeholder involvement

Ensure that key decision-makers and stakeholders from your team can attend. Their insights and feedback will be invaluable during the product discovery workshop.

Preliminary research

While we'll dive deep during the discovery workshop, any initial market research, competitor analysis, or user feedback you've gathered can be a great starting point.

Open mindset

Be open to new ideas and perspectives. The product discovery workshop is a space for exploration and innovation, and with the right attitude, it can be beneficial. 

Questions and concerns

List any specific questions or concerns you'd like addressed during the discovery session with our team. This will ensure that no stone is left unturned.

Technology familiarization

If there are specific technologies or platforms you're interested in, a basic understanding can help our discussions. However, we're here to guide you through all the technical details.


Bring along any relevant business documents, user personas, or previous project briefs that can provide context and depth to our discussion during the client workshops.

Coming prepared will help you maximize the value of the discovery workshop and set the stage for developing a successful digital strategy.

Our three-phase discovery workshop process

1. Before the workshop meeting

Initial outreach 
We start by understanding your unique needs, aspirations, and the scope of the project.

Preparation guidance 
We provide you with a detailed guide on how to prepare, ensuring you extract maximum value from the workshop.

Preliminary research 
Our team begins background research, gathering data on market trends, competitor benchmarks, and potential opportunities relevant to your business.

Scheduling and logistics 
We coordinate with you to set a convenient date and time, ensuring all key stakeholders can attend.

2. During the workshop meeting

Deep dive analysis 
Together, we delve into your business's core objectives, challenges, and market dynamics.

Collaborative brainstorming 
We explore every possible avenue for your strategy during the engaging sessions.

Stakeholder feedback 
Direct insights from your team's key members are integrated into our strategy formulation.

Strategy/project plan drafting 
Based on our discussions, we begin crafting a preliminary digital strategy or project plan tailored to your needs.

3. After the discovery workshop

Detailed roadmap delivery 
After the discovery workshop, you receive a comprehensive guide charting out the project's trajectory from inception to completion.

Feedback loop 
We set up communication channels for continuous feedback, ensuring the strategy evolves and aligns with your vision.

Execution and development 
With a clear roadmap in place, we transition into the development phase, transforming strategic plans into impactful digital solutions.

Review and iteration 
Post-execution, we review the outcomes, measure results, and iterate based on real-world feedback and performance metrics.

Book your discovery workshop today!

To learn more about our discovery sessions, please contact us. We'll be happy to answer your questions and help you get started.