As a startup owner or a SaaS product developer, you're constantly looking for ways to offer more value to your customers. One effective practice is integrating external solutions into your online product. If you plan to use an email marketing tool for this purpose, consider Mautic – a remarkable open-source marketing automation platform. Here's why choosing this software can be a game-changer for your clients.

Do you already have a unique product or service and are now wondering how to present your offer to the audience? First impressions are significant when it comes to business websites. But don't forget that it's easy to cross the fine line between great design and a web page overloaded with unnecessary elements. See the technology website design examples that can inspire you.

Team development of company publications is a good step towards guaranteeing their high quality. However, cooperation in this field should be structured in order to catch errors faster and prevent the posting of unfinished materials on the website. To this end, it’s worth using a carefully planned content creation workflow. What is it, and how to design it?

Starting a new business venture can be an exciting journey filled with several possibilities. But with limited resources, workforce, and budget constraints, startups often face challenges when it comes to marketing and customer engagement. In this situation, tools come to the rescue. One that stands out is Mautic, which is a free-to-use marketing software. Why is it suitable for startups? Discover the eight compelling reasons.

Website migration is, for many people, changing to a new website. However, it’s worth understanding what this activity actually entails. It's not just switching or updating a CMS but also a process that can significantly affect the web page's performance, security, and alignment with modern standards. In this article, we’ll focus on the general approach to migration, but we’ll use Drupal as an example to provide a comprehensive perspective on the topic.

Using dynamic content on your website and in your marketing efforts will improve the user experience and achieve better conversions. You can match different variations of elements on your web page to the behavior and habits of your visitors. To do this, it’s necessary to collect and process information about their activity. Learn more about this topic from our article.

Effective integration of different systems in a company today is an elementary factor for success. In a world of dynamic technologies and IT tools, Drupal stands out because it’s a constantly evolving open source software with the support of a large community. With its flexible structure of modules written in PHP and the ability to use tools such as Composer, Drupal becomes an ideal solution for integrating various programs in an organization.

Websites can perform various functions for a business. When deciding to create a web page for a company, it’s worth considering what the purpose of its existence should be. Learn about the different kinds of websites and what tasks they will help you accomplish.

Did you know that a website on Drupal 7 can carry potential risks in the long run? Due to technological advances and changing security standards, outdated platforms are becoming less effective and more vulnerable. Upgrading to a newer version of Drupal is not just a matter of modern design but, more importantly, security and functionality. Here are some reasons why you should make this decision sooner rather than later.

Building an online store is only the beginning. Once you've created such a website, you must take care of its online visibility, good user experience, and keeping sales high. Additional ecommerce tools that you can integrate with the online platform used by your company can help you achieve all these goals.

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