Piotr Miarka


Piotr Miarka

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Project Specification. What is It and What Should It Contain?

Do you have an idea for an application or website? Do you want to implement it, but wonder how to start creating it with a team of designers and developers? The specification, meaning in short the scope of the project, plays an important role in this process. With this post, we'll help you understand the importance of building a specification for your team, and how a well-thought-out document of this type helps with getting the work on a project started.

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We’re working with SCRUM – and our clients benefit from it

The SCRUM project management framework is very popular in the IT industry.  At our Drupal development agency, we decided to implement SCRUM as a basic tool for working with our clients a while ago. In this article, you can read more about the ins and outs of such an approach, as well as about how it benefits both parties. SCRUM is very easy to understand, yet quite hard to properly implement.

7 tips to make your website more effective

Besides social media, the website remains the main marketing tool for a vast majority of companies, which is why it is paramount to constantly develop and adapt it to the business goals you want to achieve. A company website should be an effective tool, used to reinforce business activities, and its development should go hand in hand with business development.

Benefits of Dark Background on Your Website

Light backgrounds for websites are a ubiquitous trend, as, according to a lot of research, people find it more attractive and it comes with better readability. It’s hard to disagree, so… Are there any advantages of using a dark background on a website? In general, white website design appeal to a broader audience, as well as the HTML and CSS come with white background as a default. This is why many developers stick to it, without even thinking of making any changes.

10 Visual Changes That Will Improve Your Website

In Droptica we work with clients a lot to improve their corporate websites. Your website can always be better. We have prepared a list of things you can change to improve it visually. Thanks to this list, your website will look better. 1. Ensure a consistent typography One of the main elements on a site is text. For texts to look good, they should be created using properly selected fonts. Make sure you use up to 2-3 font types on your site.

Bored of a Typical Web Design?

Nowadays, people spend more time than ever being glued to the screen, so they can see hundreds of different websites each month. Are they even engaged when most of the websites look the same? Does your website stand out from competitors and is a real attention-grabbing machine?  The average American internet user spends twenty-four hours a week browsing the web.

Rebranding for Droptica’s 5th anniversary

This year, Droptica turns 5! Many things in the company have changed during this time. We want to reflect these changes in the form of a new logo and describe our rebranding process. Our new logo represents who we are and who we want to be more accurate. Image change is part of our continuous development. The New Droptica The new visual identification system of Droptica is a revolutionary change. New logo. New colours.

What is UX Design All About?

What is UX Design all about? User Experience, or UX, is a notion that we see more and more often in our lives. UX and UX Design, in particular, is a key issue in developing websites, mobile applications and... frankly, everything else. To explain it in simple terms, UX Design is about designing GOOD user experiences.

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