Blog /Drupal

Drupal is a great ecosystem. By choosing it, you get access to a number of additional opportunities that coexist with it.

On the blog, we describe specific solutions that can be implemented as part of Drupal, give examples of Drupal websites as inspiration. You will read about the benefits of open source and the resources of a huge community. You will also learn why Drupal is characterized by high security standards.

Did you know that every twentieth website built on the CMS system on the Internet is built on Drupal?

You can find many comparisons between popular CMS systems on the internet. Whenever Drupal is mentioned in them, it is always described with words like: safe, open, regularly updated. Today I'm going to explain why it has such an opinion (hint: it is not only because we are a Drupal agency). I will also present evidence that the level of security claimed by the Drupal community is not just empty words. Here are five reasons behind the Drupal's security: 1.

Sometimes I find questions like the following one on Internet forums: “I want to build a website. Should I go with a standard CMS (such as Drupal), or develop a proprietary CMS?” I've been working with a large, custom CMS that was developed for quite a while, as well as in Drupal and I wanted to share my insights. Reinventing the wheel The first thing I noticed was the difference in the amount of time and effort spent on rewriting standard solutions.

What to do with an old, outdated website that you would like to keep online? The perfect solution is to archive it to pure HTML code. We will demonstrate it on the example of a website created in Droopler, based on Drupal. Why archive pages at all? Sometimes websites have their expiration date. It may result from the life cycle of the technology used to build it or simply because the website was created for an event or some special occasion.

React.js is a very popular JavaScript framework created by Facebook. It allows you to build beautiful, interactive and fast interfaces, with which users will fall in love. Drupal, on the other hand, is a fantastic CMS with you can build small, medium and huge websites.   Sometimes you want to pair the two frameworks together - offer sophisticated Drupal backend, and a slick, quick frontend based on React.

After the deployment of our Drupal development agency's new websites – and – in mid-2016, we decided to improve a few things related to content optimisation, page loading speed and SEO. At the end of the year, we carried out a technical Drupal SEO audit, which enabled us to detect a certain number of shortcomings. While at it, we decided to implement the solutions recommended by Google.

To create a big, frequently updated website, you need more than just skilled editors. A solid technological foundation is also a must.  If you have a hard time choosing from the ocean of possibilities, Drupal - a versatile system of CMF-class comes to your rescue.  When you’re building an advanced website, you can choose from among many technologies.

Drupal is a bit famous for the number of database queries done against a database. When there are thousands of concurrent users to be served, the database can quickly turn into a major bottleneck. This was the case with - a very popular website with recipes. The website is visited by millions of enthusiasts of cooking. When we started our cooperation with KwestiaSmaku, we initially focused on adding new features and functionalities to the website.

This list is a handy basic tool to quickly find out how well was a Drupal webiste built. It is by no means comprehensive, as a full audit has to take into account particular websites specifics but it is a really good indicator of what you are up against. If a websites fails on many of items on this list, this should raise a red flag. If you need more information about the items here, please contact us. We provide drupal development services and can answer your questions.

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