Grzegorz Bartman


Grzegorz Bartman

Co-CEO & Co-Founder

Latest blogpost

13 Reasons Why Drupal is the Best CMS for Developers and IT Teams

In our previous article, I described the arguments for Drupal for business and finance. I also showed what decision-making groups can influence an organization's choice of CMS. In this post, I’ll focus on the technology and software areas. Learn thirteen reasons why IT people and developers should consider implementing Drupal. I invite you to read the article or watch an episode of the “Nowoczesny Drupal” series.

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Users, Roles and Permissions in Drupal - the Most Important Information for a Drupal Developer

Drupal is being chosen as a platform for building websites, among other things, due to its flexibility. If you want a system ideally suited to your business model and better than the competition's systems, Drupal will prove to be perfect. One of the areas you can customise in Drupal is the user permissions system. Take a few minutes to learn about the permission management abilities of Drupal.

What to Integrate Your Intranet System with to Make It Useful

Internal communication systems containing only the information about what is happening in the company are often being forgotten by employees. If you want the intranet system to be regularly visited, you need to make it a place containing information that is relevant to everyone. Check out what you should integrate your intranet with, in order to make it an attractive place for people in your organisation.

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