Grzegorz Bartman


Grzegorz Bartman

Co-CEO & Co-Founder

Latest blogpost

13 Reasons Why Drupal is the Best CMS for Developers and IT Teams

In our previous article, I described the arguments for Drupal for business and finance. I also showed what decision-making groups can influence an organization's choice of CMS. In this post, I’ll focus on the technology and software areas. Learn thirteen reasons why IT people and developers should consider implementing Drupal. I invite you to read the article or watch an episode of the “Nowoczesny Drupal” series.

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Our website is now on Drupal 8

For the last couple of months, we worked on our new website in Drupal 8. It took time because client work always takes precedence. But we finally did it! Here is the story. Design stage As with any new marketing website, we split the project into stages. First, we developed a content strategy - what do we really want to say and why? We wanted to avoid ad-hoc decisions done during development or design stages.

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