Building just one codebase on a multi-site, drastically reduces the amount of code, the number of people involved and maintenance requirements. It requires a bit more planning and discipline than creating one website but the investment is quickly recouped. In this text, you will learn how the multisite approach can benefit your business.

Testing on multiple browsers is a must nowadays. But is it worth automating these tests? We should definitely consider this. The following article may help you make that decision. I will show you how to minimize the disadvantages and how to use the advantages of this solution. You will learn how to set up such types of tests in Codeception and where to get the browsers you want to use in the tests.

The release of PHP 8, scheduled for November, is approaching. On the occasion of this new version, we publish an interview with Droptica developers who say what are the greatest advantages of PHP programming, what to pay attention when creating a business website in PHP and what to do if you want to expand the current one.

A Drupal multisite is an installation which allows us to use one codebase to serve multiple websites. In this post I will explain in detail how Drupal multisite works, what approaches can be taken to set up a multisite installation. I will also explain some of the settings that may be important for a multisite which are not applicable when we build just one website on Drupal.

Nowadays we have social media everywhere, so having the ability to share content on your website is essential. By default Drupal doesn’t provide social media sharing buttons out of the box. However, when delivering Drupal services, we use modules that can help with this. The most popular solution is the AddToAny module.

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